Saturday 17 May 2014

Day 36 Last Day in Penkridge

Our last full day in Penkridge, and of course the girls wanting to make the most of it, a quick trip to the Telford Primark was in order! Katie had an appointment in Cannock and Gary was finishing off a job nearby, so we all jumped in the car and made it to Telford with no wrong turns, or putting the wipers on when we were trying to flicker!! 

On a time restraint, (as the new "big girl", which I have to say was not as good as the old "big girl", had to be returned by 12.30pm) the kids and I had an hour, to get everything we needed, actually not needed, wanted!!  The girls didn't let me down, they arrived back with only seconds to spare, with bags of stuff!! The issue now, was do we have enough room to bring it all home??!!

Back to Penkridge, a quick lunch and then off to Cannock. Katie picked Grant and I up, and we popped into Aldi to grab a few things for our last dinner at home, an Aussie BBQ.

The afternoon was spent packing, already a few tears being shed by myself and Katie, knowing full well that tomorrow was going to be very difficult!

Ann popped over for a quick glass of wine, and to say goodbye, then Lisa came around with Libby, George and Erin to say goodbye (plenty of room at our place Spike & Lisa whenever you want to come and stay, or for any of our new found English mates, for that matter!)

More packing, more tears... Kyle, Jack and Lexie went for another ride to "spook woods" for old times sake....  A lovely BBQ tea.... More tears... tomorrow is not going to go well!!

Bedtime, all hoping for a good nights sleep before our 20 hours of travelling tomorrow.

Lots of love,

Chrissie xx

Sorry no photos today :(

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