Thursday 8 May 2014

Day 29 Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame

The nights are getting easier, although the beds are still bloody uncomfortable, and the apartment has not got any bigger!! We were up and going by 7.30am, and we had our first encounter with peak hour on the metro!! Oh my goodness!! It was very overwhelming for all of us, we got pushed along with the crowd, and how on earth all of us ended up on the same carriage together, is beyond me! We all handled it extremely well, pushed up against unknown foreigners - Marni would have preferred a nice, young, non smoking, French fellow, however!!  Anyway we made it safely and with plenty of time to meet our guide, so we decided to stop for a hot chocolate and crepes. It wasn't all that nice, and is now known as the "crap crepe" place!!

We met our guide Carolyn, outside Trocadero Metro station, and once everyone was there, we walked around to Place du Trocadero, where we had our first look at the Eiffel Tower. It was a magnificent sight, quite breath taking. As we walked towards the Eiffel Tower, Carolyn talked to us about the history of the Tower, and Eiffel himself, a very interesting tale, and he was definitely a forth coming man, and failure was something he never thought about.

We crossed the River Seine, where Carolyn gave us our river cruise tickets, to use at our own leisure, we will hopefully go on Saturday.  With our tour we were able to skip the lines, and boy it was a very long line, and head straight up to the second floor of the tower. The views were amazing, mind blowing actually, and something we will remember for a very long time. Carolyn took us right around the tower, explaining each of the landmarks, and it gave us a good perspective of the city and what it has to offer.
From here we said our goodbyes, but with our tickets we could go to the very top level, which we did (minus Marni, the height was too much for her). The line wasn't very long, and before we knew it we were on the top level, gaining another perspective of Paris. 

We were extremely lucky with the weather for the Eiffel Tower tour, but our luck unfortunately was not going to last! We walked back to Trocadero Place and had a very nice lunch at one of the many restaurants. From here we could see the weather changing, so we decided it would be best to head closer to the apartment, and visit Notre Dame. We arrived at Notre Dame, just in time, as it started raining very heavily, and thankfully the line moves extremely quickly, so we were able to take refuge in this magnificent church, and wander around at our leisure, marvelling at the history behind this beautiful place.

From here the weather was not going to let up, so we retreated to our apartment, after a quick stop at a souvenir shop to buy a few bits and pieces.  We were actually all very tired, after two busy days and early mornings, so it was nice to relax! We purchased some yummy paris patisseries, that kept us going, and we had an early night.

Beaucoup Amour,

Chrissie xx

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