Thursday 1 May 2014

Day 23 Edinburgh

After what was a stressful afternoon yesterday, trying to find our way around the centre of Edinburgh, we parked the "big girl" up and decided it would be best not to move her, until it is time to head home to Penkridge!

So waking up this morning to 3c and showers, probably wasn't the ideal situation, however most of us do associate Scotland with being a cold, wet place, so we embraced it, rugged up with jackets and scarves and off we headed by foot to Edinburgh Castle.  We were pretty wet and cold by the time we got there, so it was in to the first shop we found, just below the castle, to buy some gloves and beanies!!

Then up the incline to the draw bridge of the castle we went. By this stage we were frozen, but luckily we didn't have to queue to purchase our tickets, so we paid and in we went, heading straight to the cafe for hot chocolates, lattes and an Americano, to warm us up, and hoped the rain would ease up! It was just what we all needed, especially Nathan, as he already has a cold and cough, kindly passed on to him by Grant, Marni and Ashleigh who have all had a touch of it.

We could see from the cafe, the most amazing view of Edinburgh, the castle is very high and looks over the North Sea, not that we could see the ocean all that well due to the mist and fog! Once we were all warm again, we went back out into the cold, took our chance at some photo opportunities and then walked into the National War Museum. From here we wandered throughout the castle, looking through the Great Hall, St Margarets Chapel, the Scottish National War Memorial, the Royal Palace where Mary Queen of Scots took up residence in April 1566, and we went and looked at the Scottish Crown Jewels and the Stone of Destiny - which served as the seat on which the Scottish Kings were enthroned, until 1296 when Edward 1 had it forcibly removed, and taken to Westminster Abbey.  The Stone of Destiny was enclosed within a new throne, the Coronation Chair, and has been used in most coronation ceremonies up to 1714, and all coronation ceremonies of all the sovereigns of Great Britain since 1714. The stone now rests again in Scotland, and will only leave Scotland when there is a coronation in Westminster Abbey.

Nathan, frozen to the bone, and not feeling 100%, took his leave from here and decided to walk back to where we were staying for a hot shower and bed, whilst the rest of us started our trek down The Royal Mile. We got half way along the Royal Mile and decided to find our way to the National Gallery of Scotland where we saw some impressive art work, and we were amazed by the age of some of the pieces, which were over 500 years old.

From here it was decided that we required food, and so we walked in to the Scottish Cafe and Restaurant which was situated at the Art Gallery. What a beautiful restaurant, with the most divine food, wine and beer! The restaurant owner/chef (Carina Costini) happened to be there, and we had the chance to talk to her, which was lovely. All produce is sourced locally and they have their own vegetable garden on the edge of Edinburgh, which provides the two restaurants that they own, with produce. After chatting with Carina for a while, it was time to head back out I to the cold.

It had got a little warmer, it was now 6c, but we all desperately wanted to finish our walk along The Royal Mile, so back we tracked, to continue on down the most popular street in Edinburgh. It is here I have to be deadly honest - I have never ever seen as many Cashmere shops as I did today! In fact everywhere you turned there was another, in some spots there was three shops in a row, all selling the exact same thing... Cashmere!! 

From here we wandered to the National Museum of Scotland and easily spent a couple of hours there, with the many exhibitions, after leaving here we walked along Grassmarket Street, and back to our apartment, after picking up a few groceries for dinner in tonight. It was way to cold to be out and about.

Tomorrow we head back to Penkridge for a rest day with Gary, Katie, Jack and Lexie before we head to London and then Paris!!


* Edinburgh Castle
* The beautiful architecture in the city 
* Meeting Carina Costini

Lots of love,

Chrissie xx

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