Wednesday 7 May 2014

Day 27 Eurostar to Paris

We were up at 6.30am this morning as we had planned to meet Marni and Nathan at 7am for breakfast in the motel restaurant. However we were a bit sluggish, and I got a phone call at 7.15am from Marni asking where we were, as they had been down there for 15 minutes! Might I add that this would be the first time they have beaten us to breakfast!! 

From here it was onto the DLR to Bank and then the Tube to St Pancras station, we arrived nice and early, at about 9.15am, but took advantage of Starbucks , for a cup of coffee, and then called into M & S for a few snacks to take on our train trip.

We were able to check in at 10.30am, so through we went, all of us with no problems, except or Kyle, who had beeped through the scanner, and I thought "oh no, it's the scissor story all over again!!".  This time he was required to be frisked, by the border security officer, but only after I had given permission, as Kyles mother. From here we went through passport control.

Finally into the departure lounge, after the officer was assured Kyle was not harbouring drugs strapped to his belly! ;) We hung out and had a quick toilet stop, before finally it was time to board the Eurostar. 

The Eurostar is the train that connects the United Kingdom with the rest of Europe, travelling directly to various destinations, including Paris and Brussels. The train travels at 300kms per hour, not that it feels like your going that quickly when your on it, and takes you under the English Channel, a scary concept, but you honestly have no idea you are under the channel, until you pop up on the other side!

Kyle went to the toilet, just as we popped up in France, so he missed it, but the rest of us saw the French a Flag flying, and we knew we were in France. The trip takes 2 hours 15 minutes, and is a very comfortable way to travel, we would recommend it to anyone!

After arriving and Gare du Nord Station it was very clear we were in a non English speaking country, and we all looked at each other, and laughed, an anxious laugh!! However, not quite sure how we did it, but we managed to find our way to the toilette.. Buy our six billet's (tickets) for travelling by bus, metro or RER for 5 days and found the correct line (the RER) to Port Royal, which I was desperately hoping was close to the street we were staying on!

After getting off at Port Royal station we made our way to the top via the sortie (exit), and had our first glimpse of Paris! I can't even remember what my first impression was of Paris, as I was starting to stress a little, hoping that we were definitely heading in the right direction! We started walking, and fortunately an American man realising we were tourists (I wonder how he knew?!) asked if we needed help, he pointed us in the right direction, and off we went again, finally finding the correct street.

After what seemed like a long walk (it wasn't really - but seemed like it at the time), we came across our street number, a man was standing out the front so he kindly punched in the code for us (which I had) and we walked through the walkway, until we found another door.  We punched in the next code, and started climbing the stairs, three flights to be exact with two large suitcases, wasn't easy for a Grant & Nath, but we made it, and knocked on the door to be greeted by Beatrice the apartment owner.  I had booked our apartment via airbnb a while ago, and whilst I must admit it is quite difficult living in someone else's home, it is a much cheaper alternative, as accommodation is very expensive in Paris. However, I distinctly asked that we have enough beds for all of us, and unfortunately this is not quite what we got!! The apartment is extremely small, but I get the feeling that most apartments in Paris are not all that big, and so we have squeezed in, and are coping the best we can, although the beds ( if you could call them that) are extremely uncomfortable!! The apartment is however, in a fantastic location - we are situated in the Latin Quarter (5th Arr) within a short walk to plenty of boulangeries (bakery), creperies, delis and restaurants, not far from the Luxembourg Gardens, the Pantheon, and Notre Dame, and also close to two RER (Reseau Express Regional) stations.

View from the apartment window.

Soon after arriving, we went for a walk to explore our surroundings, and to find where we needed to meet tomorrow for our tour that I had booked. We called in to a restaurant on our way to have a late lunch, early dinner, which was delicious! We found it difficult to communicate, but did our very best, and managed to get everything we required.

We grabbed a few breaky essentials from the deli as we walked past, then dropped back in to the apartment, before heading out again in the opposite direction, where we enjoyed a very delicious, but very expensive ice cream each!!

Back to the apartment and bed for everyone, as we had an early start the next morning.


* The Eurostar Experience
* First time in Paris
* Mastering the Metro/RER system!

Amour Beaucoup,

Chrissie xx

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