Saturday 10 May 2014

Day 32 Pantheon and our Last Day in Paris

 After what was a pretty restless nights sleep, due to me continuously playing back in my head how my purse being stolen could have been prevented, we woke to, would you believe, another rather miserable day weather wise. How lucky we had been that on each day of our tours we had had divine weather!!

Ash has already mentioned our bike tour to Versailles, and I just wanted to quickly reiterate, that that was a fantastic day! Thank you to Kev & Marilyn for putting us on track to doing that tour, and I have to say, if anyone is planning a trip to Paris, this is one tour you must do!!

In terms of the purse debacle, excuse my French (so to speak), but "shit happens"!!  It was an annoyance that we didn't need, and literally it only took a second for me to let go of my hand bag which was strapped across my shoulder to push Kyle onto a very busy train, that they were able to open my bag and pull out my purse, I realised as soon as it had been done, three teenage girls working together, but I was on the train, and they were on the platform, doors closed and we were gone, never to see them or my purse again!!  Very clever, and really if they needed that small amount of money so badly, they can have it! Luckily with Katie's help, we were able to quickly block the travel card, and cancel my Visa card, and all was good. With our Passports and my second travel card safely locked away back at the apartment, everything was fine!  But a lesson well learnt for us all, especially the kids, to a point where Ashleigh and Kyle have been researching pick pockets, learning all the tricks of the trade, assuring me it is for preventative measures, not for anything else!!

Anyway back to today... We were in no hurry, as we really had very little planned besides a walk through Luxembourg Gardens and the river cruise, weather permitting, which it wasn't, so a change of plans was required.

The Luxembourg Gardens was a go though, being it was only a two minute walk from our apartment, and rain or no rain, we thought we would go anyway.  So off five of us headed, Nathan deciding a rest day out of the rain was a better idea for him. We walked around the corner onto the street to see many police, and a police truck, literally lifting cars up by a crane, putting them onto the back of the truck, and driving away with them??!! What on earth was going on! On we went, down to the gardens, which was shut off to the public and guarded by the police... Not again, it felt like a repeat of Thursday all over again!! So instead we wandered further along and decide to visit the Pantheon, a welcome relief from the rain too! 

Inside the Pantheon is beautiful, huge big columns, beautiful art work and amazing statutes. Further on we ventured into the Crypte. Where we were able to view the interment sites of many prominent French figures, including Victor Hugo, Rousseau, and Marie Curie (the only woman). The Pantheon was originally built as a church dedicated to St Genevieve, the patron saint of Paris, and construction was started in 1758 and was completed in 1790.

After walking around marvelling once again at the history of this amazing city, we found a nice little restaurant to have lunch, hoping that the rain would ease and the gardens would be open.  Unfortunately, neither of these occurred, so we high tailed it as quickly as we could up the street, after calling into our favourite patisserie, to seek refuge in the apartment!

The rain never really let up all afternoon, Grant and Kyle escaped the confinement of the apartment for a walk around the area, finding another lovely little market, but still arrived back soaking wet! Ash and I caught up on some blogs, and enjoyed people watching from the large windows! This is when we noticed the whole street had been shut down and the police were directing cars, buses, trucks and taxis away from the next street. This was causing quite a commotion, and a traffic jam, so we thought we would wander down to have a look.  Marni opted to stay home this time, but the rest of us headed out, me wanting to take advantage of purchasing some delicious French macaroons for Katie and I to share, once we were back in Penkridge!!

We soon found out that the reason for the car removal earlier and the gardens being all shut down, was because the French President was in the area! WHAT??!!! Is the man following us?? It seems everywhere we have wanted to go, he has got there just before us!! 

Anyway I purchased the macaroons, got a few bits and pieces, and we headed on back to the apartment for dinner and bed, ready for our journey back to Penkridge tomorrow.  

Beacoup Amour,

Chrissie xx

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